Charlie quickly got dressed and into his car seat for the trip home. We were a little disappointed that his "going home" outfit didn't fit. The pants fell right off...I guess that is a result of him arriving 3 weeks early.
Charlie met his puppies for the very first time...they were very excited to see him.
His big cousin in Texas was also very happy, and curious, the see how Charlie liked being home.
Mommy and Charlie both appear to be doing well. I have my eyes on them, making sure things stay that way. Jenn is still in a bit of pain and a bit groggy also. We had to do a lot of the last minute prep work for Charlie's arrival today...but we're so happy to have him home that it was a very exciting time. Jenn has begun her maternity leave. I am planning on going back to work Monday or Tuesday pending how things are going for Jenn and Charlie.
Outside of this update, very little is going on. We perfer it that way. The less eventful the better. A happy healthy baby is all we can hope for...I now leave everyone with more pictures of Charlie. After all, he is the whole reason for this blog... who doesn't want to see more of Charlie ??? (It's rhetorical.)
He is SSSOOOO adorable. I'm glad everyone is home and doing well. Love ya
oh my - how sweet is he???? I want to hold him so badly....Jay, I love the pic of you holding him on your chest... too sweet.... Jen - you look great!!! Can't wait to see you all ... love ya - Beth
I am so happy for you both! Congrats again! He is so cute!!
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